Sunday, April 18, 2010


"Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairytale." -Anonymous

Thursday, April 15, 2010


There are no words to describe how much fun it was to dance for three hours straight. While I admit to acting like a fool a couple of times (ok the whole time) I have no regrets when it comes to my moves. I'm a white, Baptist girl from the South. What can I say? :) Here is a picture of my future roomz and I at formal.

Where Has The Time Gone?

Oh. My Goodness. Seriously where has the time gone??? I swear everytime I look at my calender two weeks have passed. People have told me my whole life that time flies as you get older but I never fully understood what they meant...until now. As freshman year comes to an end (rather quickly I might add) I continuously find myself thinking about how much I have changed since school started. It's truly incredible to reflect on all the incredible things God has done in my life since August and how He began preparing me for things to come years ago. Never will I understand His plan or ways but they never cease to amaze me.

The past two weeks have been difficult to say the least. I have been filled with feelings of doubt, insecurity, and others along those lines. In return, I am slowly learning the importance of fully relying on God for everything. EVERYTHING. Did you hear me say everything??? God doesn't care how trivial each situation is, they all matter and mean the same in His eyes.

An opportunity has recently become available (and by recently I mean yesterday) for me to take classes at UMHB in May and June. At first I was so excited, and still am, but now have to deal with the logistics, specifically the financial factor. And let me tell you, this is the biggest factor. I so badly want to stay here and get caught up on my classes so I can graduate in four years, but don't know if that's what God wants me to do. I turned down several opportunities in the past couple of days either because the timing didn't work out or because I was not excited enough about them. Maybe God was preparing me for this. Not completely sure yet, but I must decide by tomorrow what I want to do. At this point all I can do is talk to financial aid (lovely) and ask God to make it evident if He wants me to stay here or go home.

Well it's Play Day today. Get excited! Students at UMHB will be participating in games and activites in hopes of releasing stress and anxiety as school comes to an end and finals approach us. I hope to experiment with paintball. Pray for my team. We're playing boys. It seemed like a brilliant idea last night. Then again, it was after midnight and we had just finished laughing histerically while eating pancakes. Oh the joys of college life.

I leave you with a song that has given me hope through everything. Just listen to the words and allow God to speak to you. Have a wonderful week.